It is so unfair that one can't type with the same speed with which one the past two days so much has happened of which i'd like to keep a record..but alas! i keep forgetting!and now with this blog thing,i am all the more hell bent to remember if something offbeat or even humdrum occurs,i make a mental note to put it up in the blog,so that maybe ten years down the line,i won't have to put in almost two months' worth of effort only to remember that my friends in college call me neelu( and i do NOT like this name).it's all about preventing our memories from dwindling away with time.past,present or fututre,it's still mine.and i love it! which is why i'm always going to keep the pages of my diary updated:) (for some reason..i keep calling this thing a diary instead of a blog.)
I am hell tired today.I had been roaming about in the college throughout the day,taking part in whatever on the spot events i could(oh,it's techfest season of the year again!).i took part in four,qualified for the further rounds in three( quiz was never my cuppa,my gk sucks! :D).and tomorrow's going to be such a hotchpotch..i know it! the organisation is so messed up.last year's fest was loads better.
now,because my father asked for the comp for the fifth time in the last hour(i am very stubborn,am i not?) i'll have to end this post here.but before doing so,i should list down all those thoughts that have been flooding out of my mind of late.i am just setting a reminder for myself to contemplate/discuss/dissect these matters in the posts that would follow.
-desai sir.
-people in amts buses.
-why i opine the guys in my class are trash.
-school life :)
-college life.
-friends,somewhat friends,almost friends,acquaintances.
-some random grumbles.
-some random gratitudes.
-my favorite teachers.
-my stringent nature-sign manias.
-how people butcher my existing name and provide with even horrible ones.
-daily chronicles
plenty of stuff coming up :)
1 day ago
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